Mental Health Jewelry-Making Workshop

On Saturday, December 18 2021, we hosted our first mental health jewelry-making workshop with members from Global Leadership Initiatives For Youth (GLIFY). GLIFY volunteers were enthusiastic to spend their afternoons creating jewelry that would ultimately fundraise for mental health nonprofits, namely the Alan Hu Foundation. Alan was a former GLIFY member, and GLIFY members wanted to give back and honor his dream of better treatment for individuals with mental illness.

Our workshop was two hours long, and we had a lot of fun connecting through our common passion for creative design. We learned about each other’s passions, interests, and hobbies and bonded through our common music taste! This event was ultimately very successful, and volunteers were able to destress through this mental health workshop. After two hours, we made 100+ phone charms, allowing Auralite to stock up its inventory and sell more of its popular, high demand charms. We are beyond eager to host more mental health seminars in the future!


American Cancer Society Relay For Life


Starting auralite: logistics to design